Friday, September 18, 2009

pets around my house

很开心自己出身在一个城市与乡下的交集之处, 因为这让我的生活有更多的经历。在我还没出世前, 婆婆在家旁还养了猪和火鸡, 那猪寮现在还存在呢。 我家是典型的乡下格式, 木板和洋灰砌成的。 我出生后, 婆婆就没养猪猪和火鸡了, 因为得养我, 所以就这样我被叫做ah-bi, bi是来自马来语babi(猪)的bi。

家后面就是龙华住宅区, 先前是个大片的橡胶园与油棕园。小时候的早晨,坐着父亲的蓝色yamaha80在崎岖的山路间, 仰头看着那往消失点伸展的橡胶树干及透过叶子的光线, 是幅难忘的画面, 虽然都以成为记忆,但仍然犹新。

由于家旁边有条小溪,所以有时候水獭会顺着溪水出来找食物, 印象中,也看过5-10次吧, 但龙华住宅区完成后, 就没再看过了。 现在蟒蛇偶尔还会来探访我们的鸡寮,因为森林里没东西吃了。。。。。

I am happy to live in a area where close to nature and not far from city. Before I was given birth into this world, my grandma kept pigs and turkey next to our wooden-cemented house, after I was born, my grandma don't keep them anymore, I guess maybe she wanted to spend more time keeping me, that's how my nick name ah-bi came, it was babi(pig in malay language) initially.

My house located close to Taman Perdana of Batu Pahat. There is a small river by my house, over the river, guess what? it's an old chinese cemetery...creepy right? But we are all fine with that, that cemetery is not really a terrifying place. Before Taman Perdana existed, it was an estate of palm oil and rubber trees. When I was a kid, my dad always ride me on his blue yamaha 80 going through the estate in the morning, the sun ray passing through the luminous leaves was such a beautiful scene, and of course fresh air that's mind cleansing. However, these pictures were drawn in to memory.

Sometimes, beavers would travel along the river and "visit" us, well, so far I saw it like 5-10 times, but not after the residential area was completed. Well, python still pays visit to our chicken coop for supper sometimes. Monkeys are the most self-welcomed animals that hang around our rooftop, having fest with our grown fruits. bout let's see some photos?

This black bird is now in memory, it can imitate our voice, like Gong Xi Fatt Choi | 会说“恭喜发财”的八哥已成为记忆

A rare species of birds | 稀有品种

Ducky | 番鸭

Hens | 颈项无毛的母鸡, 觉得它们长得很丑

a Female monkey with her baby | 育婴的母猴

Monkeys looking through my lens | 对面的猴子看过来

This dog got some personality | 性格怪异的贱狗


PeiQi Teh said...

哈哈,sorry ya=)

Darren Lim :: 上煌 said...

哈哈, 其是不要緊啦, 只不過是從college開始的朋友都叫我darren了, 只有中學朋友還有叫我阿鼻的.

=*3lyn*= ◕‿◕ said...

哈哈 這讓我想起我婆婆家丫
也是有很多動物 - -