Thursday, August 27, 2009

Famine 30 | 飢餓三十 2009

Famine 30 is an event, campers are self volunteered to starve for 30 hours, to experience the pain and starvation going through by people suffering in poverty all over the world, so that we are grateful for what we have and what we have to give. This event is organized by World Vision annually, anyone interested and keen to know more, please go to for more information.

The theme of the Famine 30 this year is about Food Crisis, known as the silent tsunami, millions of victim are suffering in this, they don't have enough food, food for basic survival. World Vision is not a charity organization that take money and give the poor, they actually plays a part of helping the poor to get out from poverty, like using the donation to help the people in poor area develop their village, teach them how to grow foods, education and so on, so that they can survive for themselves.

Just like any charity organization, advocates formed by stars is always a good way to promote the event. This year, Taiwanese singer Ah Mei was invited to perform in the countdown concert, also, Micheal Guang Liang, Danell Lee, Gary Yap and many other local artists also joined the force. Their performance really cheered up the crowd and made the whole event goes to the highest peak, especially when Ah Mei appeared in the last hour.

.....I actually think many youngsters who joined the event were interested in the countdown concert more, Ha.

飢餓三十營, 是有世界宣明會主辦的一個公益活動, 目的是讓挨餓三十個小時的營員們體會飢餓和生活的痛苦, 讓大家了解當我們浪費食物的當兒, 世界上好多角落卻有挨餓受難的人們, 同時, 也讓我們感恩現在所擁有的一切, 這樣一來, 我們更懂得為何我們得幫助他人. 有興趣者可以到了解更多詳情.

每一次的飢餓三十都會有一個主題, 今年的是糧食危機, 也被稱為無聲的海嘯, 這海嘯正襲捲著世界各地, 上億人沒能擁有一天所需的充足糧食. 造成這問題的原因很多, 比如資本主義, 生物能源的發展, 人類對肉類的需求大與蔬果等等, 這裡就不解釋了, 大家自己找找資料. 世界宣明會正幫助這些貧困地區的發展與建設, "與其給他們魚,不如教他們捕魚"是世界宣明會的方針, 幫助窮困的區域走出貧窮飢餓, 幫助他們如何自給自足, 農耕, 教育等等.

而飢餓三十的倒數演唱會是最高潮的, 今年還請來了阿妹張惠妹, 她在最後一個小時把全場的氣氛帶到最頂點. 當然還有很多著名的本地藝人, 有光良, 李吉漢, 葉俊成, 菲比, 羅億詩等等等, 石城鼓團也參與了義演. 無可否認, 代言/宣傳的藝人們的確是吸引近七千名青少年聚集一堂的重要因素, 然後乘機會給這些少年灌輸一些知識, 哈哈.

volunteer attending the briefing

Lighting and sound control

Guang Liang and Franssica Peter singing "nothing gonna change my love for you" during rehearsal

Volunteers get to take photos during the rehearsal

KJ from astro singing competition

Belinda from 8TV as one of the hosts

Gary Yap as host and singer

Luo Yi Si

Phoebe from My FM

the Malaysian's Idol - Danell Lee

Ah - Mei

all the campers were Soooo High

Break Fast

the end


Chia Sin 佳欣 said...



西門小弟 said...

又說你來不及報名? 怎麼你都可以在裡面拍照?

Darren Lim :: 上煌 said...

harry, don't worry, still got chance next year, ha. Some of them are CHS drummers but the drum team is Stonehedge, not chs 24 drum team.

simon, that's last year matter d~

PeiQi Teh said...

hehe,nice la!

famine 30,bak kut teh 20@@

๑Jellish said...

countdown concert的確是比較吸引人~!



Darren Lim :: 上煌 said...

Apple, 應該有吧, 但是我們那晚吃了一個人rm20的肉骨茶, 哈哈~~

Jellish, 哈哈, 那個負責人是誰?

hao.zilla is me said...

Wah, A-mei ar~~~
Somemore so close~
( [-][-]_ {Suang lo u~~)

Concert lighting always de best to shoot, i like u snap Gary Yip's longshot side view tat photo with a bit of mist at bg...

Btw, did u get her an autograph or phototaking?

Darren Lim :: 上煌 said...

hao, I didn't get any autograph or phototaking, I am no fan of them, haha.

胡家惟 said...
