Thursday, August 7, 2008

普吉岛之旅-第三天 | trip to Phuket - day03 [part02]


We shopped at the shopping center, then had lunch at a Japanese restaurant there, since it's cheaper than local. We actually planned to go to night market after that, but some driver told us that only Saturday and Sunday have night market, so we're so unlucky. Headed back to hotel, went out for dinner, then a heavy rain again, which ruined our plan to shop around.

丰盛的一个午餐 | A satisfying meal we had at the japanese restaurant

生鱼片拼盘 | Sashimi

日本绿茶 | Japanese green tea

铁板三文鱼 | Grilled Salmon

日式猪肉片 | Porku in japanese style

拉面 | Ramen

不像是日本餐里应该有的沙拉 | This salad is unlikely to be appeared in japanese food

傍晚 | It's evening when we're leaving the shopping center


狂野嘟嘟车 | speeding light

把手伸出去拍这张照片的时候给司机大哥骂,所以制造出了如此的效果,哈哈 | When reaching out my hand and camera to take this shot, I was scold by the tuttut driver, that's how the effect was created, haha.


西門小弟 said...

哇,你也真的几“虽”一下的,几乎都遇上下雨, 不过那车灯效果还不错,蛮漂亮一下的~

Ben Lam said...


Darren Lim :: 上煌 said...

没办法,淡季人少,旅费也便宜一些。但天气就真的是不好。 -_-"


西門小弟 said...

你没和他 say sorry? 就不理他了?