The third day, we went to Phuket town, planning to do some shopping. But the day wasn't good and it rain half way. We went to Phuket's "cracker center", bought many junk food, total amount was around rm250. And then the driver brought us to another souvenir "center", they sell a lot of jewelry and handicraft, but those are too expensive for us, so we just shopped with our eyes. Seeing we weren't interested in buying, one of the salesman said "don't waste your time, don't waste your time(he didn't added 'please leave')", so we left. The driver dropped us at town, and we asked another Tuttut driver where to shop, then she sent us to a shopping mall....half way there, she sent us back to that souvenir center, because she want to get chop from them that can get her some money to cover petrol, however, we didn't go down, so she didn't get to be chopped, and we didn't get to pay cheaper for the driver.
又要下雨啦 | Going to rain again....shiiit~~~~
好些当地人会把茉莉花圈放在车里,制造自然香气 | the Jasmine flower were used to be their natural "ambie pure"
被雨困着的城市 | raining raining
终于坐上嘟嘟车咯 | First time in tuttut
忘了提到一点,这次的普吉之旅,我完全没有拍到人妖 | In addition, this phuket trip, I didn't get to take pictures of ladyman
我们的嘟嘟司机 | Our Tut Tut driver
曲有其理--- 完结篇
16 years ago
用很妖的语气: 嗯~讨厌~~~
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