回到酒店后,休息了一会儿,就出来找东西吃了,这我们在普吉岛的最后的晚餐。不知道要吃什么所以都边走边看,走到了一排档子,经过的时候,那些工作人员就不停的在拉客,英文中文什么文都说出来,但是我们第一次路过的时候,是很坚决的走了过去,没停下来;继续走下去,也没看到什么吃的,第二次到回去,就站在档子对面,看看那一间比较顺眼,结果我们做了个决定。这一顿,便宜又好吃,那个coconut shake真的是叫人回味,是将椰子的果肉与果汁放入搅拌器,和冰块一起搅到碎碎,吸的时候还可以吃到椰果肉,真的是爽啦~!晚餐的时候,就下起大雨了,破坏了我们的血拼计划,本还想等雨停,但是越等就越大,最后叫了一辆德士会酒店去。
第二天早上,吃了早餐,我们就血拼去了,因为大象钥匙扣不够,所以我又买了多几包。也买了一件印着泰国啤酒的狮子的背心,还有两件翻版沙滩裤,结果自己很喜欢的那件穿不下,给了大弟弟。过后就赶回去,收拾了东西,去吃了burger king的猪肉汉堡,等德士来接我们去机场。再见普吉岛,下次会再来,看人妖表演,哈哈。
Back in hotel and after a short break, we went out for dinner. This is the last dinner in Phuket, we dined in a cheaper place, the foods were nice though. Especially the coconut milk shake, it's so nice that i can't forget the taste, omg~~~ Half way eating dinner, it rained cats and dogs, the longer we waited the heavier it gets, so we called a cab headed back to hotel.
Since we got nothing to do, so we claim our "welcome drinks" at the hotel's bar. Since the drinks were free, so it sucks. After a while, the rain stopped, so we went out for walk again, got a small bottle of beer. Drinking beer while walking along the street, seeing street light, people closing their store, and surrounded by cold air, it feels kinda nice. :D We talked by the beach, and ended our last night.
The following day, which was the last day, we went out for shopping, bought more elephant key chains, and bought some pirated pants. After that we packed our stuff and had our lunch in burger king while waiting for the taxi. Finally we got the chance to taste the pork burger, haha, it's not as delicious as i expected. Goodbye Phuket, will come visit again and see some ladyman show in future.
~the End~
在酒店"大"厅 | at the hotel lobby
晚餐,最爱的墨鱼,哈哈 | the Last Supper, my favorite SOTONG
下起雨来 | Rain started falling
Coconut Shake~!!!!
海鲜 | Seafoods
酒店的巴台 | at hotel's bar
街景 | street
夜晚的沙滩 | by the patong beach at night
准备回家咯 | Ready to go home
看到熟悉的街景 | back to a familiar place