之前在好攝論壇里發表了之前拍的巴剎照片. Eddie Chang 和 Lit Chin 攝心大起, 就提議再到巴剎去拍, 所以我們就約好了上個星期六早上摸黑出門, 6am我就和學弟/愷娥弟, 國建到了巴剎一帶, 先去咖啡店吃個早餐, 然後再與兩位前輩集合.
大約六點半七點, 我們就開始拍攝了. Eddie 和 國建很善於跟巴剎里的小販交際, 聊天, 拍個微笑或大笑的特寫; 而我呢, 由於比較內向慢熱, 所以只好靜悄悄的拍, 加上我這次的目的是用才買不久的的廣角鏡來拍攝, 重點放在拍整個巴剎氣氛與事物.
這次的拍攝感覺很不錯, 是第一次跟 Eddie 出外拍, Lit Chin之前見過一次面, 而開始跟國建有交談, 也是因為攝影; 雖然我們素不相識, 但因為共同的興趣把我們帶到巴剎拍照, 哈哈, 就好像蔡導阿DICK哥和他一群LOMO GANG一樣, 我少許體會到那種氣氛.
對於這次的照片, 還算滿意, 雖然很多都是重複的角度但不同的店面或攤子.
Last week, I posted the photos shot last time atPasar of Batu Pahatin the forum My Photo City. Eddie Chang and Lit Chin suggested for another outing to shoot Pasar. So last Saturday we woke up early in the morning, 6am and went for the shooting. My junior, who is my classmate's brother Guo Keng also joined the shooting, we had our breakfast at a Kopitiam near pasar while waiting for Eddie and Lit Chin.
We started our shooting around seven o'clock. Eddie and Guo Keng love socializing with the hawker in the market, gossip and joke with them and took some close up shot; However, due to my "shy" characteristic, I shot silently. Anyway, my purpose of this shooting is to capture the pasar scene in my wide angle lens, which I haven't buy back in last shooting of pasar.
This is a great experience of out door shooting, though I never knew Eddie and Lit Chin, but the love for photography bring us to a common understanding, capturing the precious moment.
I'm quite satisfied with the shots, thought most of the angles are the same.
Chicken Stall | 雞肉檔
Stall selling steamboat ingredients | 火鍋食料檔
Senior~! | 學長~!
Another stall selling steamboat ingredients | 另一個火鍋食料檔
Would you like some Spices??? | 要謝香料嗎?
I shot him last time, I think he likes shirt with stripes | 這叔叔我拍過, 感覺上他喜歡線條衣
Shrimps | 蝦
Fishes | 漁
Wider view | 廣角
A tricycler with white tricycle | 白馬王子
Cheap buy~ Cheap Buy~ | 坪賣~!
Come and get some~! (this uncle quite yeng) | 一個很有型的老伯伯
Coffee powder stall, He talked to me a lot about coffee bean | 老板跟我說了好多關於咖啡豆的東西
An unconscious shot | 故意的不經意偷拍
Let's go and see some gold fish | 叔叔帶你看金魚喔
I actually think that this uncle drives Mercedes | 我覺得這老伯伯是開Benz的
Dried salted fish | 干鹹魚
Rotan | 藤製品
Stall selling steamboat ingredients | 火鍋食料檔
Senior~! | 學長~!
Another stall selling steamboat ingredients | 另一個火鍋食料檔
Would you like some Spices??? | 要謝香料嗎?
I shot him last time, I think he likes shirt with stripes | 這叔叔我拍過, 感覺上他喜歡線條衣
Shrimps | 蝦
Fishes | 漁
Wider view | 廣角
A tricycler with white tricycle | 白馬王子
Cheap buy~ Cheap Buy~ | 坪賣~!
Come and get some~! (this uncle quite yeng) | 一個很有型的老伯伯
Coffee powder stall, He talked to me a lot about coffee bean | 老板跟我說了好多關於咖啡豆的東西
An unconscious shot | 故意的不經意偷拍
Let's go and see some gold fish | 叔叔帶你看金魚喔
I actually think that this uncle drives Mercedes | 我覺得這老伯伯是開Benz的
Dried salted fish | 干鹹魚
Rotan | 藤製品