星期六晚上10點喝茶, 喝到1點去吃消夜, 2點多就寢, 結果一大早630就得爬起來準備參與外拍活動. 地點就是上次拍linda的蓮花池, 個人習慣叫那個地方蓮花池, 論壇里稱它為蓮花湖. 而這一次多了好幾位魔豆, 有arika, 巧克力, 包子, 當然還有linda. 但是我拍linda比較多, 畢竟上次的熱身外拍拍過她, 所以比較熟悉. 其他的魔豆只拍了一點點. 然後就去吃了第二趟早餐, 阿華肉粹面, 配上一杯熱豆奶, 真是爽~! 過後呢, 就跟朋友們上華仁中學看課室布置了. 因為早上已經"筋疲力盡", 到了學校也懶惰在拍照了, 哈哈, 所以就走走看看而已, 倒是剛中毒的李廣拼命在拍照. 3點多去吃了午餐, 本來想癱瘓在家里的, 結果還是跑去跟小學同學打羽球, 因為連續三天都吃消夜, 所以不運動真的不行, 一定要做個運動狂人. 最近我的褲子都鬆了, 哈哈哈哈.
Last saturday night, hanging out with friends from 10pm to 2am, slept less than 3 hours then had to get my ass out of the bed to join the photoshooting at tasik Y. This time there were more models for shoot, including arika, chocolate, baozi, and of course Linda. (If Hoi Mun see this, he will said "what the f is this kind of name?") Anyway, since I did a warm up shot by shooting Linda last time, so i kept shooting her this time, to get a better angle and composition. For other models, I just took some photos, you would know why, Photos would tell. After the shooting we went for the famous Ah Hua minced pork noodle, with a cup of hot soya bean, it's wonderful. Then we went to CHS to look at the class decoration event, nothing nice there except a few class. It's a very tiring day. But still i went for badminton in the evening, salvation for guiltiness of having supper for 3 night in a row, haha. The day ended with editing photos taken through the night..............