Sunday, May 31, 2009

the Negative Effect

the Negative Effect is a documentary about a group of youngster in love with lomography, which is using film camera to capture their life. This is a passion republic's production, directed by famous short film director Dick Chua. Support Local production, yeah~!

Check out their blog~!

the Official website


设计和美术, 不是同一样东西, 但它们有着密切却又不太明确的关系。

设计,其实就好像在学数学; 而美术, 像是在学文学。


设计, 讲求的是逻辑,理性的思考;
一般人都觉得设计就是把一样东西弄得美美, 或者是创新。
没错, 的确, 但这只是其中的一小部分。
设计的真正目的是在于“解决问题”及“改善生活”, 是“有目的性的计划”。

比如说, 残缺人士无法步行, 设计师就设计了拐杖,轮椅等等的补助工具,解决及改善他们的生活。
而拐杖其实是很久很久以前就存在的一根木材或什么的, 但是设计师加以改善残缺人士如何使用这根木材, 加上把柄, 加上撑在腋下支持上半身的“腋垫”等等。

再比如说, 以前的人蹲着拉屎, 蹲久了觉得脚酸, 于是有了坐着拉屎的念头, 设计师把这念头实践出来, 这是那时的一种创新, 改善人们拉屎的体验。

再再比如说, 室内设计其实不是华而不实的一门学问, 这种设计其实就是在改善生活。 设计师会与一家大小沟通, 个别沟通,了解这家庭的需要而去设计他们在空间上的应用, 改善他们的生活品质。 又要比如了, 长子喜欢打电动, 父母亲爱看电视节目,小妹喜欢弹琴,如果在同一个时间同一个客厅进行这一切的活动, 那就乱了, 搞不好就是造成家庭纠纷的开始(哈哈,有点夸张),那不如把电动间就设计在长子的房里, 钢琴放在书房, 客厅就只用来看电视及家聚。室内设计, 不是应用来让我们的客人赞叹“哇,你家好美~!”,重点是住在这间屋子里的是我们一家人, 这设计的目的就是针对我们一家人的生活作息而设计的。

从而可见,设计并不是无中生有的东西。现在流行的一种设计是属于增加生活情趣的, 比如把椅子设计成马桶的样子, 可能目的是为了让坐着的人有轻松,解放的感觉。

还有更重要的一点是, 其实生活中的一切都跟设计有关, 人生计划, 几点起床, 晚餐吃什么, 路程, 自己的打扮等等。
有时候, 设计可以简单成是一种选择, 比如选择家具,墙纸来配搭设计自己的房间; 选择服装来表现自己的自信; 选择适合自己的保险/储蓄计划等。

那学习设计改善了什么? 学习设计就改善了对生活及一切的要求,要求就好比需求, 有需求就有供应, 有要求就有改善及进步。 所以这很重要,是社会进步的一项小知识。 “随便,可以用就好”的要求/需求, 就会得到“随便做, 给他们可以用就好”的供应, 你们希望这样吗?

学习设计, 训练的是观察, 发想, 思考等。

美术, 应该是调剂身心的一种嗜好吧, 它是发自内心的表达, 好比愤怒时你会画一幅海啸, 平静时你会画一幅湖边风景画。 所以美术就属于艺术的一种,艺术超级广, 吃的艺术, 品茶的艺术, 说话的艺术, 舞蹈的艺术等, 这些是通过培养和练习的, 真的就是属于发自内心的一种学问,如果你对茶一点兴趣都没有, 你就不会品茶, 当你尝试后爱上了品茶, 你就会去学习如何品茶。 “ 爱”是发自内心的,就好象你不能逼自己“爱”一个人。

设计和美术是有相交处的,比如是美感,色彩应用等,这里就不提了, 重点是让大家明白林老师觉得设计是什么。
这些是昨晚睡觉前想的, 纯属个人观点, 可取不可取决定于有没有好好想想, 考虑, 消化过这些资讯。 哈哈。
(I will post an English version next time)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

the Pasar of Batu Pahat ends

終於到了最後一篇"記巴株巴殺"了. 謝謝熊和珊達啦抽出時間一起去拍照, 下次有機會的話, 希望有更多同樣喜歡攝影的朋友一起出去拍.

Finally, this is the final post for this photoshoot outing. First, thanks to bear and sandra made their time for the shooting together, cheers, looking forward for future shooting and maybe we can get more and more photography lovers to join together.

站在馬路中央的珊達啦 | sandra standing in the middle of the road

陳舊的英殖民老建築 an old fancy building built during british colonization

走出漁菜市場後, 我們繞市場外圍走, 就是沿著一小段的芭株河畔拍. 拍了一些停泊的船隻, 還有小店.

After got out from the market, we went around the border of the market, shot some stalls and small shop along the river.

覺得這河似乎有點乾淨 | I think the river is a bit clean for batu river, haha

在香蕉檔口前睡懶覺的貓s | two Cats still enjoy sleeping

然後我們走到了一個買香蕉的小店, 掛滿了一堆堆, 一串串, 琳瑯滿目的香蕉, 各種類別都有. 上次我來拍的時候, 也有拍過這間香蕉店, 還拍了店主和她的女兒.

Walking down the street, we came by a store selling all kinds of banana, I shot this store of banana back in my old post also, check it out. Had taken a shot of the shopkeeper and her daughter.

這個馬來婆很興奮要我們給她照相, 她們就是這樣high, 但是我並不會把照片洗給他們啊~ | an old Malay lady excitingly wanted us to shoot her, anyway, we never plan on develop the photo and mail her, what's so high about this?

走著下去, 熊被羅里上一袋袋的東西給吸引了, 走近一看, 哇~ 源來是之前被誣賴造成流感的豬. 熊好像很興奮的拍著那些豬, 也不管自己站在豬屁股後面, 我提醒她當心黃金就噴到她臉上, 哈哈.最後最後, 就在毛毛細雨的催促下, 我們結束了這天的攝影.

Bear was curious about those stuff in the cage, she went near and found that they were actually those who were blamed for the recent swine flu, PIG~! Anyway, it's proven they were innocent for the blame. Bear was so curious to go near the truck to shoot the pig, i warned her not to stay too close, as she was just standing behind the ass of the pig, haha. Rain started falling on our head urging us to finish our shooting. the end.

看它好傷心的樣子, 好像就知道自己將會被宰了似的 | it looks sad knowing itself will be slaughtered soon

一個肥婆 | a motorcyclist

還有我喜歡拍的電纜 | My favorite shooting objects - wire cable and lampost

兩隻小鳥 | two pigeons

Please check out my friends, bear and sandra's blog.
忘了放上珊達拉和熊的連接, 大家看看bear's blogsandra's blog

Saturday, May 23, 2009

the PASAR of Batu Pahat continues.....

走過了魚市場, 漁腥味就漸漸散了, 接著而來的就是乾糧和蔬菜水果, 從這裡開始,就舒服多啦, 在這裡就可以看到很多的外勞在買蔬果, 還有一些便宜的日用品.

After the fish market, it was continue with stalls selling dry ingredients, vegetables and fruits. Starting from there I felt ease with smell, don't need to be distracted by the dirty water or fish scale. A lot of foreign workers can be seen here, they would usually hang around to buy foods and daily stuff.

看看這些紅通通的水果, 想必一定很甜 | Look at these red jambu, look like it tasted sweet

突然一位阿嫂出現在我的view finder里, 還裝著很自然的選擇水果順便搶鏡頭, 哈哈 | A auntie suddenly appeared in my viewfinder, acting like nothing while picking her fruit, i think she intended to get into my frame.

小倆口子正在選著水果 | couple day out for fruit

坐在地上擺攤賣水果的老夫婦 | Old Folks selling fruits on the ground

友善的兩位友族在推銷自己的西瓜又大又甜 | Two malay promoting their big and juicy watermelon

還很樂意被拍, 覺得隔天會在報章上看到自己. | they keep asking me to shoot, as if they were going to see themselves on tomorrow's paper

很多巴殺里的人都認為我們三人是在報館工作的, 可能因為沒太多年輕人來巴殺的關係吧, 更不用說拿著相機的年輕人, 一定是被老闆逼來著里工作的, 哈哈. 也或者是多數的石頭人都不覺得拍照(攝影)可以純粹是興趣.(昨天剛到神廟拍照, 也有好多人問說是不是記者)

Many of the people in pasar thought we were from the press, maybe it's because they don't get to see youngster in pasar, moreover we are with cameras. Maybe most batu pahatan think that photography cannot be kept as a pure hobby( it just occurred last night, i went for a photo shooting near a temple, and i was being asked if i was a reporter)

傳統式的乾糧店 | a traditional dry ingredient shop

在這條有雨蓋的巷子, 多數都是友族同胞的檔子, 走過這巷子, 我們到了巴殺的外圍, 拍拍陳舊的建築物還有batu河.
In this street, most of the hawkers are malay selling their malay stuff, went through it, we came to the border of the whole market, shoot some old buildings and batu river.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

the PASAR of Batu Pahat

一大早, 約了熊林和三達啦到batu pahat的市場去拍些照片, 一大早, 當然要醫好肚子才有力氣拍照啦, 所以我們去了富貴香, 我吃了很油膩的糯米雞和沒有油,淡淡辣辣的排骨, 然後就上巴殺去了.

Me, Bear Lim and Sandra met up early in the sunday morning to go for a shooting at the marketplace of Batu Pahat. We kicks-tarted the day going for tim-sum as breakfast, and the our local tim sum is not nice~, i miss the taman megah tim sum~!

這時已是八點多, 拍照的黃金時間就是八點到十點, 但是八點多對巴殺來說, 已經是不早的時間了, 部分的老闆已經開始在收拾臨時檔口了, 而人群也沒這麼多了. 這樣也好, 拍照方便多了. 前幾年我自己到這裡來拍過照, 那是是用底片相機, 這次出動dslr了, 可以盡情的拍多多. 熊林說自己是第一次上巴殺, 哈哈~ 這也是我的第二次而已. 証明我們小時候寫的作文題目"上巴殺記", 應該都是幻想出來的, 還有從作文參考書抄出來的.

After breakfast is already 8 something in the morning, it's considered late hour for pasar, however, the crowd is lesser means we can shoot easier, not exactly a bad thing. Few years a go i did came here for a shoot, while i was still using the canon eos 300 film slr, these time i'll be free to shoot as much since i got my dslr in action. In addition, Bear Lim said it's her first time going to pasar, it's proven that our essay topic "going to pasar" were all imagined and copied from "top 100 essays", hahaha. This is just my second time anyway.

認真就是專業(這個是抄襲 9x9 studio 名片上的 slogan 的) | Being Serious = Being Professional

而這一次, 我們從巴殺的一頭繞個圈, 走著拍著, 我第一次踏入那個買魚的室內, 第一個感覺就是, OMG, 好臭~~ 記得小時候, 我是超級討厭巴殺的味道的, 每每父親開車經過巴殺, 我都會密密的遮著我的鼻子, 不讓臭氣入侵. 現在, 當然還是不喜歡巴殺的味道, 但是長大了還比較有能力控制, 雖然還是有一度會有想嘔吐的感覺, 但這就是要拍照就得克服的. 走進這濕巴殺, 都是魚腥味, 地上濕濕的, 還有魚鱗. 看著魚販們砍殺著那些魚, 就不儘要閃躲, 避免飛沫的攻擊, 這時, 姑丈借我的telelens就派上用場了, 站遠遠拍攝, 哈哈~

The smell in pasar is definitely "undongable", in hokkien is dont beh diao. Back in my childhood time, whenever my dad drives pass the pasar, i would cover my nose tightly. Now, having wanted to shoot some photos, I'm gonna control myself, though i really felt like throwing out sometimes. This is the first time i went into the fish market section, the floor was wet and you can always step on some fish scale. Seeing the fish hawkers take care of the fishes, you wouldn't want to stand close. Now i get the telelens borrowed from my uncle in action, i can shoot from a distance, :D

嘆息生意不好的魚販 | Not a good day for this Fish Hawker

寶刀未老的魚販 | Old but not Rusty

一個魚販老闆讓我給他的超級黑印度員工照張相 | A boss told me to photo his Indian staff

小心翼翼在挑選新鮮的魚 | A guy picking on fresh fishes

買好菜回家去囉~ | Going home with ingredient bought

After the fish market section, the smell faded, coming with fresh vege and fruits stalls, i will continue to post more photo in the next thread. have a nice day ~!
走過魚販攤, 總算是鬆了一口氣, 沒有魚腥味, 接著的時水果與蔬菜的檔口, 下一篇再繼續了.

待續 be continue......

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


前幾天上巴殺拍照的小插曲, 內容純屬虛構,如有雷同,是你抄我的,如有得罪,請多多包涵,哈哈.

red: ey~ got people shooting photo

red: Hi miss, shooting photo? Be careful around here, there are thieves.
bear: OH izzit?

red: My heart was stolen here last time, sigh~~~
bear: I will be careful.

red: Hey, I gotta go, I think there's a guy back there trying to shoot me. Bye bye~
bear: bye~~

red: Got people want to shoot me ^_^
bear: phew~ relieved.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


The world is very big yet very small. Everyone is connected, try to think about this, we are all connected in someway, my friend is the friend of your mother's sister's son's classmate's brother.

Physically we are connected through lamppost and wire, house to house, area to area, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. We are now connected through network cable, adsl, phone line.....

The distance is so far yet so close, it's just depend on an initiation of action taken, whether you want to bridge a connection.

Well...pardon me, i am boring now yet busy.