Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Canon 7D

最近看到蔡导(ah dick)用他的宝贝7d拍摄的婚礼,看了真的很爽,一看再看,再看下去我可能就会跟着买一台了,哈哈哈哈。上个星期六在宴宾楼一个学姐的婚礼上,刚好聘用了我们cloverwedding的歌手,所以我就借机(借了这个机会,借了李广的相机)尝试应用7d来拍摄video,第一次的感觉真不错。

整个过程用了sigma ex f2.8 70-200mm, canon usm f1.4 50mm 还有 kit lens 18-55mm 来进行拍摄。后期制作是在adobe premiere里完成,没有修改过任何东西,只是稍微的修剪,普通的cross dissolve 效果。 配上norah jones 的歌, thinking about you。

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Clover Wedding Video Intro

I didn't post anything for such a long time, finally got atleast something i could talk about other than how busy i am. Here is a video intro i did for cloverwedding last night, will be used for our dvds, productions, slide shows, and so on. Feel free to comment :D

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ricoh R8 Test continues and end

Ok, yesterday I have taken some scenery and life with this Ricoh R8, well, it can really generate a bluer sky and greener field, haha. This will be the end of the Ricoh R8 test I would do.

In conclusion, this camera is not that expensive, and with the features it can provide, I think it can be said worthy. However, I would really hope the image quality could be better, I mean, with the same price paid. For those whose hands are not so steady, please lean against some hard surface while shooting indoor without flash, the minimum setting of the F stop limits are 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 seconds, i manage with 1/8 second, it is already a very dangerous speed which a minor movement will ruin the photos taken, 1/30 sec is my hand manageable shutter speed with my dslr.

If you are aiming for better quality, I would suggest Ricoh R10 and CX2. If you got better budget, directly go for panasonic lumix lx3 or canon g11, haha.

这是最后一篇关于ricoh r8的介绍了,尝试拍了一些风景照,这相机真的可以把天空拍得很蓝,草地拍得很绿,不错。


如果有足够的钱,可以考虑ricoh r10或cx2,如果有更多的钱,还是买panasonic lumix lx3或者canon g11吧, 哈哈。

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tryout Ricoh R8

Well, sister said she wants to get a digital camera, so I research around and found that this Ricoh R8 is quite value for how much it costs. The design of the camera is simple but nice, controlling is easy to get your hands on, last but not least, it can achieve a nice depth of field even it is just a compact digital camera. As a dslr user, I am quite happy for the build of this camera. Since my sister went back to kl for studies, I would test out this camera for her, haha.

妹妹說要一台數碼相機, 於是我看了看, 雖然很喜歡canon g11 和 panasonic lumix lx3, 但是價格似乎太貴了一點, 所以看了Ricoh. 在batu pahat, Ricoh哪裡找? 就在巴士站對面的嘉業, 看在老闆的關照, 這裡給你打了廣告厚~! 機身的設計簡單, 沒有華而不實的設計, 控制容易上手, 而且為一台數碼相機它可以達到不錯的景深. 以自己是個dslr的使用者而言, 這台相機真的還算不賴, 雖然image quality沒有很好, 但整體來說是不錯了. 妹妹會去吉隆坡念書了, 所以就讓我來幫她試試看這台相機的功能吧~

I took my optimus prime for a test shot on object

Well, this TF2 optimus prime is the first transformer toy I own, I used to think that transfomer toy is badly build, the paintjob is not nice, the plastic is kinda cheap with the visible cutting line and so on. But after I bought this one, I found that, OMG, this is a brilliant design, ha, I can't simply transform it with my own "wisdom", So...I am going to get the Jet Fire next time, then I can combine them.

這驚天柱是我的第一只變形金剛, 以前小看了這個玩具, 因為覺得它的品質不太好, 色澤不美, 複合的地方不精細等等, 還賣這麼貴. 但是動了動厚, 發現原來它貴在整個變形的概念, 真的是設計得很不錯, 強~! 以我的聰明才智, 不看說明書, 根本沒辦法將它變形, 下次要買哪只飛機火伯伯了.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

profile picture shooting for clover wedding

last sunday, we have decided to set up a temporary studio for shooting in my small workshop, using what I've got in the workshop for props and decoration, simple set up, picture taken by kc with 7d and me with 50d, this time i went for desaturated color mood in editing, also tried to make some layout arrangement. Hope you all like it~!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clover Wedding

最近pick up了婚禮攝影, 然後就進入了這個行列, 和朋友們組成了這個團隊, Cloverwedding, 承辦婚禮當天的一切, 攝影, 駐唱, 錄影, 布置, 司儀等服務. 身為新人, 你們就不必操心一切了, 讓我們為您策劃一場難忘的婚禮吧!

為甚麼會把這團隊稱為clover呢? idea就是來自這幸運草,幸運草的三片葉子是love型, 而clover的字眼裡包含了lover, 所以個人覺得蠻有意思的, 所以就擅自決定了這個名字, 再"逼"隊友接受這個名字, 然後設計了這個logo, 哈哈.

希望大家多多支持我們喔~! 謝謝~

Recently I've picked up wedding photography, combining friends of different specialties, we formed a team named the Cloverwedding, providing wedding day services like photography, video, liveband, decoration, emcee and so on. As the Bride and Groom, you don't need to worry about coordinating your lightingman, videoman, liveband, emcee, leave it to us, we will work things out for you and promise you an unforgettable wedding day~!

Why Cloverwedding? The idea is simple, the clover leaves are in love shape, and there's a "LOVER" within "CLOVER", so i think it is quite meaningful, so i forced my teammate to accept the name and then designed this logo. :D

Thanks for Supporting US~!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Darren's Workshop Advertisement is on CM v.14

Darren's Workshop's latest advertisement is launched in the latest CM magazine, a local advertisement portal.

Same method used, work through Adobe Illustrator, and I used back the Jennifer Love Hewit illustration I created last time for the composition. Obsessed with the sketchy wording style, ha~

Darren's workshop advertisement on CM page 11

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Elyn's Music Journey


Last Saturday, Me, Kc, Sandra and my uncle went for a portrait shooting at Taman Botani, Seri Medan, Model of the day was my cousin who just dyed her hair red. Right before she dye her hair back to normal color, we planned for this shooting session. Shooting start around 530 and end at 730, Seri Medan is really a nice place, quite and peaceful, the lake is clean and clear, except that we still can spot some plastic bags and cups floating on the surface.

For the theme of this shooting, I set it as a music journey, had a violin borrowed from my brother for Elyn to do some posing, acting like she was looking for music inspiration by the lake. It was really a lucky day for the sun was bright and the sky was clear with lesser cloud. Quite happy for the evening shots, which is the last few pieces. Can't wait for the next shooting~!







click here for full album

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Donald and Evelyn's Wedding

最近真的是忙到嘔血了, 這是上上禮拜拍攝的婚禮, 很棒很成功的一場婚禮, 因為新郎新娘籌備得很好. 婚禮早上進行, 就如同傳統式的華人婚禮, 晚上的婚宴真的是很好, 氣氛由司儀及駐唱歌手們帶動浪漫, 燈光,布置都考慮周詳. 雖然是負責攝影, 但是感覺上自己就融入在他們的結婚喜悅當中, 哈哈.

這是他們的短片, 訴說一些成長故事, 懷舊的照片加上幽默的配語, 不錯吧?

Let's see some photos~!


Donald and Evelyn Wedding