Today my brother's class, senior middle science brave presented their drama, using the fight between people and government as theme, named "无双乱世", well, I think this can be translated into "Chaos Era"(whatever). The background of their drama is around dynasty Ching of china, My brother acted as a judge who is a unfair, corrupted, and greedy judge, it's funny seeing him acting, haha. Could be said that the drama their class presented is the best one so far(in this year), the rest were ok ok only. In the drama, they used the olden day as theme to DECOY and critique the happening nowsaday. No more bs, see some photos, due to my poor technique, the photos are not very nice, can't really get good angle and shot when shooting from down stage.
那红衣的狗官就是我弟弟 | That's my brother in red
没错,我弟弟长得跟我不太像 | It's true that he doesn't look alike with me
一群草民在批评朝廷 | Citizen arguing about government
客栈老板由他们的班主任饰演 | Teacher joined their performance as the boss of restaurant
侠客出场 | Here come the Hero
打倒朝廷 | Ready for riot
段正淳~~纳命来~!!! | Take this
and this...
and this
啊~~老爷,不要~! | Arrrr....
胆敢造反~!? | How dare you~!
反叛失败 | the End
女生舞蹈 | Girl's dance
男声舞蹈 | Boy's dance
班舞 | Class's dance