Thursday, July 31, 2008

普吉島之旅-第二天 | trip to Phuket - day02 [part two]



After feeding the monkey and snorkeling, we went to another unknown island for lunch.(I guess the Island is ruled by islamic malay, and there are a lot of cats) Here, we took the worst lunch in our trip, I rather drink ocean water than their tomyam. We went to Kai Island for sun bath, snorkeling and taking photos after lunch. Stayed for around one and a half hour, we headed back to Phuket main island.

準備好去吃午餐了 | Readied for the worst lunch

天下最難吃的一餐 | the WORST lunch

終于看到有我在裏面的照片了,導遊幫我們拍的 | Finally you see me, this photo was taken by our tour guide

可愛的阿拉伯小孩 | a cute arabian

在船頭的曉貞,風很大 | Siow Chin at the deck, the wind was high

凱島 | the Kai Island

沙灘 | the beach

寄居蟹 | crab

海邊一個可愛的小女孩 | by the sea, a cute girl

傘下風情 | under my umbrella ella ella eh eh eh.....-_-"

还在晕船状态的李广 | Cherng was still in his dizzy mode

to be continued......

Monday, July 28, 2008

普吉岛之旅-第二天 | trip to Phuket - day 02 [part one]

这天我们乘坐快艇出海,去看看岛屿,游泳,潜水,晒太阳。所以,早上六点半就起身了,赶紧洗刷后,就下去酒店的餐厅吃早餐,吃了不少bacon和fried toast with minced pork and shrimp topping(不懂要怎么给这个面包一个中文名称)。 载我们去港口的司机大概八点左右才到,上了车就浩浩荡荡的出发了。。。。

Today we would go for a speed boat snorkeling trip, will go to the maya bay, phi phi island(not pee pee island), and kai island. We woke up early at six thirty and went to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast right after brushing teeth and shower. The fried toast topped with minced pork and shrimp is very nice, and I think I ate a lot that morning. The driver picked us up around 8am and headed toward the jetty.

在等着司机的到来,我就在酒店前四周随兴拍拍,那天的天气不是很乐观, 看这云就知道了 | While waiting for the driver, I walked around and took some pictures, the weather that day was not very good, you can tell from seeing these pictures.

到了港口,看到天空开始蓝起来,心情有好一点,希望等下就是蓝天白云 | Reached at jetty, the sky start looking better.

李光也很开心 | And Cherng was quite happy

劲毅也是 | So as Jericho

我们的船长 | Our Captain

导游 | Tour Guide

大概三十分钟后的天空,过后竟然就下起雨来了 | Around 30mins later, look at the cloudy sky, and it rained.

就连这岛屿看起来都很伤心 | Even the island looks very sad

到了Maya Bay(totally no idea where they got the name from)

小祥和李广在戏水 | Broke back moutain

到了另一个小岛屿和猴子交流 | Reached at another island, see and feed monkey

小祥在浮浅时遭到鱼儿门袭击胸部 | Fishes attacked Stephen's chest while he was snorkelling

无标题 | untitled

结果grace和李广晕船,李广还呕了好几次,哈哈。 我也一度觉得自己想吐,因为早上吃太多了,摇摇晃晃的快艇弄得我肚子里的食物都在翻滚,真不舒服,luckily过了一会儿就没事了。


During the speedboat trip, Grace and Cherng got dizzy, and Cherng vomited several times, poor cherng. I actually felt like vomit too, maybe it's because i ate too much that morning, and all the food were dancing along with the speedboat inside my stomach. Luckily after a short rest, felt ok d.

To be continued......

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I LOVE Photograpy [with chinese translation d(>o<)b]

For an artist, we should always practice our drawing skill, since we are always depending on computer and machines nowaday. This afternoon I took sometimes to sketch some comic for you all, hope you all will like it, hahahaha :þ

身为一位艺术工作者,绘画是很重要的,因为太长时间依赖电脑,可能手感会退化,所以不时要抓抓笔,画画图。今天下午花了点时间弄了这些,希望能把你们炸死。 哈哈~

自从买了canon eos 400D数码相机,我更爱摄影了;而且,摄的时候还要耍酷。







Friday, July 25, 2008

普吉岛之旅-第一天 | trip to Phuket - day 01

七月十四号这一天大早,我们(我,小祥,李广,晓贞,菱芷)从batu搭最早的一趟巴士,上去吉隆坡,准备去kl sentral然后转车去lcct上飞机,目的地:普吉岛~!

一路上说说笑笑,不久就到了sungei besi收费站的出口,据说当天有政党示威(不喜欢政治课题,这里就不提了),过了收费站,交通瘫痪到连你妈妈都认不出,大家开始紧张起来,飞机是三点十五分的,而已经是将近中午十二点了,到了pudu还得从plaza rakyat搭车去masjid jamek然后才可以搭去kl sentral,从kl sentral去lcct也要个四时分钟酱,糟糕,怎么办,难道去不成了??难道我的五百多块钱就长翅膀飞掉了?? shiit~~~~ 我们其实都很紧张,但是都好像没有表现出来酱,小祥就一直打电话问朋友状况,想办法逃离车龙。我们曾一度想半路停车,下巴士,在另外搭车。幸好,我们没这么做,哈哈,原来那段路有警察封路驻守,所以交通阻塞,过后就很顺了,谢天谢地。但是时候也不早了,一下巴士,饿着肚子,我们加快脚步,赶来赶去,到了kl sentral,meet了grace(注解grace : 她是晓贞在University of Nottingham念药剂系的同学既室友),终于上了往lcct去的巴士,一路上,我只想快点到达lcct机场,因为。。。。。。我要吃麦当劳,饿死啦~~~~

到了lcct,meet了劲毅,马上check in行李,然后往麦当劳挤人去,填饱肚子后,就上机啦。这还是我第一次搭廉价航空,幸好只有短短一个小时的航程,要不然我可能会跳飞机(原应一:不跳机也会闷死,原因二:空姐不美,原因三:位子很窄(也许是个人问题),原因四:还有很多原因)。

终于到普吉岛机场了,拿了行李,check out了,飞快的租了一辆车,往面对patong beach的the royal palm酒店去了。本以为可以一路直达那里,结果司机把我们带去旅行社,看配套,于是选了一个出海浮浅的配套(心想:一定可以很痛快的拍照:D),这个配套每人rm180.00,是有点贵,但是都来到这里了,可以怎样,把钱豁出去了。到了酒店,花了一点时间check in了,就马上集合去海边,讨论去那里吃东西,找了一间西泰餐厅,吃了一顿,食物的味道是不错,价钱是比本地贵,管他的,出来玩就是要花钱的啦。


14 july, we took the earliest shift of bus from batu to kl, reaching sungei besi toll plaza, there was congestion, it was caused by some politic party's demonstration. The traffic was terrible and I actually had a thought that my flight tickets and hotel's fees would just fly away. Luckily, the jam was caused by police's blocking, after the block, all the way smooth to pudu raya. We were hungry, but still we need to catch lrt and bus, so that we could reach lcct on time. Finally, we managed to reach lcct and check in, then right away went to the crowded mcdonald for lunch.

Around 4pm something, we reached Phuket airport, we called a limo and headed to our hotel. The limo stopped half way, driver brought us to a traveling agency, after negotiated with the agent, we signed a speedboat snorkeling package, RM180 for each. The hotel we stayed faces the famous patong beach of Phutket, after checked in, we met up and started to hunt for food~~

After dinner we walked around the area and bought some beers, it's cheap, one bottle of 320ml beer is only rm3.20. Back in hotel, after shower, had a beer and slept. Day one ended.

旅行社外的石狮 | the stone lion outside traveling agency

三人一单车好像是合法的 | 3 in 1, the middle guy so enjoy listening music with his phone

到了旅店已经傍晚了 | It's evening when we reached hotel

so, 要吃什么? | meeting, deciding plan for dinner -_-"

一脸病态的菱芷 | Ling Zhi in flu

你不要讲我就点这个了哈 | ok boss, you're in charged of the ordering

来到泰国还吃kang kong | Came all the way here to order kang kong??

泰国正宗的酸辣汤 | The original Thai Tom Yam Gong

Coffee ice-cream shake, NICE~!

普吉之夜 | Phuket's night

距离 | Distance